Ready to download in minutes, OS MasterMap Imagery Layer is an off-the-shelf product for the whole of Great Britain, supplied in 1km x 1km tiles. You can get it under perpetual use terms – ideal for projects – as well as fixed-term licences. It’s aligned to the OS MasterMap Topography Layer and at 0.25m resolution is incredibly detailed, expertly colour-balanced and corrected for geometric distortions.
The OS NGD is a single store of all Ordnance Survey’s authoritative data for Great Britain. The OS NGD delivers the richer data you need for better analysis and our download service, OS Select+Build, makes it easier to find, package and analyse the data you need, such as address and building data for emergency planning.
OS NGD data is different from our other products because it is accessed from one single source where you can find the data you need without having to download whole datasets. It also has a simpler data structure, designed to help answer questions, and develop more intelligent solutions, with quicker loading and implementation.